Who We Are

A designer clothing brand embodying our 5 core philosophies at GRANDEUR. Magnificent , Virtuous , Powerful , Limitless and Authority. Using these to form what we want you to be and feel through GRANDEUR. We furthermore enhance on using simplicity and imposing design to present quality and class.



We enhance our design and brand to be Magnificent which correlates to the word GRANDEUR giving significance to what we adhere all of our products to be and make the consumer feel magnificent themselves.


Virtuous is something we want to endorse highly in our brand. So we use the Pegasus to symbolize high standard and we envision our products the same. Making the consumer feel with GRANDEUR is of high morals and luxury.


Powerful is a word we enhance highly to give the consumer that feel of strength and power and this is another one of the amazing things about the Pegasus which stands out and we value this concrete as a brand in everything we do.


Limitless is symbolized by the use of the infinity symbol inside the crown which we wanted to vision this being a anchor for all what we do , to have no end and to live on through design and the clothing industry. We want the consumer to also feel connected with that and gain a sense of value for who they are and becoming more themselves.


We believe that as a consumer you should feel with a luxury brand that of high quality and premium so we use the crown to symbolize this with the infinity symbol inside it. For this we linked the two together creating limitless authority which in cooperation the consumer will be timeless and encouraged to feel a high class with GRANDEUR.